In response to those who say pastors should not talk about world events, such as the recent events that took place in the Oval Office:
“Ministry of the word” involves things like “loving your neighbor.”
Theology leads to basic applications, such as:
1) Tell the truth; don’t change history and reverse to say Ukraine started the war. (Nearly every political supported the original narrative until very recently.)
2) Show hospitality; do not insult a person’s attire, especially when that person is dealing with bigger issues, such as war.
3) Defend life; do not get caught up on hearing “thank you,” but show care like the Good Samaritan (who was too beat up to say thank you right away).
Now, I will say that some practical outworking of this are complex. We do not have access to all the military information, so for example, it would be careless to say all that should be in a peace deal. I agree if talking about that degree of pontification.
However, this “jurisdiction” (i.e., the event in the Oval Office) concerns about how people should talk to one another. Note how other nations expressed support, while we “kicked them out.”
Pastors can call out rude behavior without claiming to be political experts.