In response to those who say pastors should not talk about world events, such as the recent events that took place in the Oval Office: “Ministry of the word” involves things like “loving your neighbor.” Theology leads to basic applications, such as: 1) Tell the truth; don’t change history and reverse to say Ukraine started the war. (Nearly every political … Read More
A Prayer of Lament: For the Outcast and Stranger
God of justice and mercy,you hear the cries of the outcast and the suffering,you see those alone and outside,those who are strangers in their own house. You are the God who rescues.You set free from tyranny, andyou lead your people to peace and abundance.You turn enemies into neighbors. Now, we plead for the oppressed —that you would restore strangersas brothers … Read More
The Importance of Words — God’s & Ours
Words matter. They come from God, and they reveal Him to us. When we open Scripture, we encounter not only God’s words, but also repeated references to the “Word of God.” The Old Testament alone uses this phrase around 400 times (for instance, Genesis 1, where God speaks creation into existence and declares it “good”). In the New Testament, God … Read More
Bad Books, Bad Characters, & Bad Endings
Sometimes, books (along with movies and other forms of art) do not always “resolve” as we’d like them to, such as ending with a spiritual conversion that leads a person to faith in God. Some characters even end up in a worse state than when they started. Especially with fiction, that lack of resolution can actually be beneficial at times … Read More
What about tattoos?
I recently taught on the “fallibility and sufficiency of the body” — basically, a biblical theology of body. The audio of that is available here: A student asked in response what I thought about tattoos. Here was my answer: Good question. While I’m not a tattoo expert — I don’t have any myself (haha) — my personal sense is … Read More
In the Presence
Yesterday, I was asked how we’re doing with Ginny’s health, as we have tentatively paused treatment while we wait to start a new one in a few weeks. It helped me to write out my thoughts, so I thought I’d share this with you also, since I know so many of you care: We live in a tenuous position every … Read More
Desiring Joy Not Joyful Suffering
Finding joy in the midst of suffering.
Through Our Hands
“Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our brothers and sisters throughout the world, who live and die in poverty and pain. Give them today, through our hands, their daily bread and through our understanding love, give peace and joy. Amen.” Blessed are the poor. For theirs is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are the hungry. For they shall be filled. … Read More
Living Beyond the Natural
“God has made you a rational animal, set you over the cattle, formed you in his own image. Ought you to use your eyes as the cattle do, only to see what to add to your belly, not to your soul? Stir up the eye of reason, use your eyes as a human being should, consider the heaven and earth, … Read More
Beginning of Advent
14 The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. 15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; … Read More
Music to Check Out
Today, The Weepies released a brand new CD, and it got me thinking of some artists that are worth checking out. This list could go on for pages, so I’ll save some for later, but if you are looking for some new music, be sure to listen to these: Charlie Hall — Christian worship The Weepies — poetic songs, free … Read More